Hello, sir. Click through the options below if you are having trouble booking with us.

Instruction manuals are your friend, no matter what your old man may say. Follow the instructions below if you are need some help figuring out how to book an appointment with us, or scroll to the bottom of this page to watch the screen-recorded video we made for visual learners.

  1. Click the “Book Now” or “Schedule Now” button on our website > Choose your location.
  2.  You will be taken to our booking software. Select your service(s) > Select your Provider (Barber/Stylist Name) > Select your date and time > Click “Book Now”
  3. Log-in with your email and password. If you haven’t booked with us before, click “Create a new account” and follow all the prompted instructions and insert your information to create your account. If you have booked with us before online, follow the instructions below in the “Think you already have an account?” section.
  4. See instructions in the next drop-down option if you’ve booked online with us before.
  5. Once logged in, check your appointment details, and click “Confirm Booking”. You have now successfully booked an appointment and should receive a confirmation email and text message.

If you used our previous software Vagaro or have booked with us before September 29, 2022, you still have an account with us – it’s been transferred over from Vagaro to our new software. Simply follow the instructions from the “How to book an appointment” drop-down option above to book your appointment, but when you are prompted to enter your email and password, follow these steps:

  1. Enter your email you used to log-in with before.
  2. Click “Forgot password?”
  3. Follow the instructions to reset your password.
  4. Once your new password is reset, log in to our booking software with it and you will be able to finish booking your appointment.

We’ve got your back. If you are still having trouble booking your appointment, please give us a call.

Greensburg: (724)834-7777

Johnstown: (814)254-4131